mardi 30 novembre 2010

Live report: 26th November 2010, IDIOT GLEE(US) + JOHNNY FLYNN(UK) + TWIN SISTER(US) + THE NEW WINE(NOR) at Flèche d'Or, Paris

Very short review of this show.


- Idiot Glee
- Johnny Flynn
- Twin Sister
- The New Wine


dimanche 21 novembre 2010

Live report: 19th November 2010, FRANZ IS DEAD(FR) + FRANKIE & THE HEARTSTRINGS(UK) + THE WALKMEN(US) at Flèche d'Or, Paris

Soldout show with The Walkmen as headliner / Inrocks Indie Club.

Opening bands: 
- Franz Is Dead 
- Frankie & The Heartstrings


mardi 16 novembre 2010

Live report: 12th November 2010, THE TWINS(FR) + KOWALSKI(IRE) + WILD NOTHING(US) at Espace B, Paris

There were presales at 12€ for this show at Espace B and it was nearly sold out, as the small venue near the metro station Corentin Cariou was quite crowded.

Lineup (vague hours info):

8:30pm - 9:05pm: The Twins(FR)
9:15pm - 10:05pm: Kowalski(IRE)
10:15pm - 11:15pm: Wild Nothing(US)


Live report: 10th November 2010, FAUSTINE SEILMAN(FR) + DARK DARK DARK(US) at Glazart, Paris

The French artist Faustine Seilman with her band opened for the American band Dark Dark Dark at the venue Glazart in Paris. It's rare to have two women as lead singers the same night. The venue in the north side of Paris was quite crowded for both artists.


lundi 15 novembre 2010

Live report: 8th November 2010, SCOTT MATTHEWS(UK) + SISKIYOU(CAN) + RUBIK(FIN) at Maroquinerie, Paris

That night, there was Alina Olova who played at Café de la Danse, and the following artists at the famous Paris venue, la Maroquinerie:

Scott Matthews(UK): not his 1st Paris gig
Siskiyou(CAN): 1st Paris gig
Rubik(FIN): 1st Paris gig

This concert was unusual, I was sad to see the venue that empty. I went several times at this venue, but never saw a such intimate concert... I found it unfair for the very good bands who played that night, bands that French people should really discover. The concert started with the headliner, Scott Matthews, in this privileged setting. During the breaks, we could listen to songs of Elliott Smith in the venue...


dimanche 14 novembre 2010

Live report: 7th November 2010, GREGORY & THE HAWK(US) + LES SHELLEYS(US) + SNAILHOUSE(CAN) at Oliver Peel Session #31

Oliver Peel Session #31Oliver Peel Session #31

Oliver Peel Session #21 with:
Gregory and The Hawk(US)
Les Shelleys(US)


dimanche 7 novembre 2010

Live report: 6th November 2010, AGNES OBEL(DAN) + YOUNG MAN(US) + STORNOWAY(UK) at Boule Noire, Paris

Awesome lineup at Boule Noire, in this festival:

- Agnes Obel(DAN)
- Young Man(US)
- Stornoway(UK)

And it wasn't soldout!!! Big crowd in the small venue, nevertheless!